
2024 Booking Schedule

Calendar for Mini Giveaway/Giftswap List Building Events
  Book Your Event Slots NOW!

 There are 2-3 events per month - set for 100, 250, 500 and 1000 clicks. You can also add MULTIPLE gifts with ONE registration so you can increase the number of clicks you send and receive. Maximum 4 gifts per contributor.

This makes the events better matched for both smaller and bigger marketers alike and of course increases the number of opt ins you receive to grow your list faster.

You would be required to send a minimum of 100, 250, 500 or 1000 clicks per gift depending on the event click number that suits you best.

 NEW:  A Rewards Bonus Points system will now reward contributors in any giftswap event for sending quality traffic. Contributors will accumulate points and a percentage of their total unique visitors when the event ends. The rewards points will accumulate each time you participate and you will be able to "cash-in" points at any time to reduce your "required clicks" for any event you wish. View Demo Here

" If you aren't continually working to build your subscriber list, you are missing out on the future of your business."
               Upcoming Events

Personal Power Gifts
6th August (Tuesday) – 13th August (Tuesday)


Clicks Required: 250 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 14
Slots Filled: 12
Slots Remaining: 2

Transform Your Life Gifts
13th August (Tuesday) – 20th August (Tuesday)

Clicks Required: 1000 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 10
Slots Filled: 2
Slots Remaining: 8

Strongest Self Gifts
20th August (Tuesday) – 27th August (Tuesday)


Clicks Required: 500 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 12
Slots Filled: 10
Slots Remaining: 2

Personal Power Gifts
3rd September (Tuesday) – 10th September (Tuesday)


Clicks Required: 250 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 14
Slots Filled: 13
Slots Remaining: 1

Strongest Self Gifts
17th September (Tuesday) – 24th September (Tuesday)

Clicks Required: 500 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 12
Slots Filled: 8
Slots Remaining: 4

Personal Power Gifts
3rd October (Thursday) – 10th October (Thursday)


Clicks Required: 250 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 14
Slots Filled: 11
Slots Remaining: 3

Transform Your Life Gifts
12th October (Saturday) – 19th October (Saturday)

Clicks Required: 1000 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 10
Slots Filled: 2
Slots Remaining: 8

Strongest Self Gifts
22nd October (Tuesday) – 29th October (Tuesday)

Clicks Required: 500 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 12
Slots Filled: 8
Slots Remaining: 4

Personal Power Gifts
5th November (Tuesday) – 12th November (Tuesday)

Clicks Required: 250 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 14
Slots Filled: 10
Slots Remaining: 4

Strongest Self Gifts
19th November (Tuesday) – 26th November (Tuesday)


Clicks Required: 500 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 12
Slots Filled: 9
Slots Remaining: 3

Personal Power Gifts
3rd December (Tuesday) – 10th December (Tuesday)


Clicks Required: 250 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 14
Slots Filled: 12
Slots Remaining: 2

Transform Your Life Gifts
10th December (Tuesday) – 17th December (Tuesday)

Clicks Required: 1000 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 10
Slots Filled: 2
Slots Remaining: 8

Strongest Self Gifts
17th December (Tuesday) – 24th December (Tuesday)


Clicks Required: 500 Per Gift
Contributors needed: 12
Slots Filled: 10
Slots Remaining: 2